Grafton will receive $497,382 for roads and bridges

The 9th Worcester District is scheduled to receive $1,280,825 in road and bridge funding for Fiscal Year 2021 under the state’s Chapter 90 program, state Rep. David Muradian said.

The funding was included as part of a $200 million statewide bond authorization approved by the House of Representatives on a vote of 159-0 on June 30. House Bill 4803, An Act financing improvements to municipal roads and bridges, is expected to reach Governor Baker’s desk following a final enactment vote in the Senate on July 2.

The money will be broken down into the following funding amounts:

  • Grafton: $497,382
  • Northbridge: $467,888
  • Upton: $315,555

Established by the Legislature in 1973, the Chapter 90 program allocates funding to cities and towns on an annual basis, using a formula that is based on a weighted average of a community’s population, employment and total road miles. It is a 100 percent reimbursable program that provides funding assistance for municipalities to carry out roadway construction, renovation and improvement projects.

According to Muradian, Chapter 90 funding can be used for a variety of purposes, including road resurfacing, sidewalks, street lighting, traffic control measures, and roadside drainage. Municipalities can also use the money for the purchase, replacement and long-term lease of road building machinery, equipment and tools.