
Grafton will continue to offer School Choice — after all, it’s brought in $3 million so far

Over the past seven years, School Choice has brought more than $3 million into the Grafton Public Schools budget, without increasing the need for more staff.

Naturally, the School Committee voted to continue the program Tuesday night.

“That’s $3 million that would have come out of taxes,” Superintendent of Schools Jay Cummings said.

Under School Choice, Grafton can offer education to out-of-town students. The majority begin in kindergarten, although some may opt into later grades if space is available — usually about 10 students per grade level. All students accepted into the program may keep their spot until they graduate Grafton High School.

Cummings said there are now 123 School Choice students in the system, bringing in about $6,000 each. The cost is borne by the sending school system.

Grafton has a waiting list for every grade level. 

Applications for the next School Choice lottery will be available on the Grafton Public Schools website Wednesday morning. Parents have until March 26 to apply. A lottery will be held in April.