
Grafton school budget set at $38 million; 4 layoffs expected

The School Committee somewhat reluctantly voted in favor of a $38,092,653 budget for Fiscal Year 2021, continuing to hope that the town will vote in favor of a Proposition 2 1/2 override.

While Town Administrator Tim McInerney was able to scrounge up an additional $230,000 for the department budget, an increase of 4.13 percent over the current fiscal year, four staffers — two high school teachers, one elementary school teacher, and one assistant principal at Grafton High School — will be laid off.

The town is proposing an override of about $6.5 million in the spring for FY2021, with more than $3 million for the schools, with additional funds slated for new positions on the municipal side. The funding would be spread out over the next five years starting in Fiscal 2021.

At a public hearing prior to the vote, several residents had questions for Superintendent of Schools Jay Cummings, ranging from comments about athletic fees to questions about School Choice.

More than 100 students from out-of-town come to Grafton for education, some utilizing special education services that are not available in their home communities.

“it’s probably the best fiscal decision we’ve made,” Cummings said. “We have a few seats in every grade level, about 100 kids across the district. We’ve had to increase zero staff.”

The program brings in roughly $6,300 per student, with the sending town also paying for all special education needs. The program brings in $500,000-$600,000, a windfall that Cummings said has allowed to go several years without the need for an override.

A joint meeting of the Select Board, School Committee and Finance Committee is scheduled for March 5 to discuss the scope of the override.