
UPDATE: Grafton High School’s Class of 2020 will graduate July 19

Grafton High School’s Class of 2020 will be getting a graduation ceremony — and it will be the first class to ever have commencement on the turf football field since the school opened in 2012.

Going under the state’s new guidelines, Grafton High School Principal Jim Pignataro announced that the ceremony will be held on July 19 at 11 a.m.

Attendance will be extremely limited due to COVID-19 distancing guidelines.

“We understand the desire to have many family members in attendance. This is not possible,” Pignataro wrote. “Attendance on school grounds is restricted to the following people: Graduates and three seats for their family;  GHS Faculty, Staff, Administration; District Staff and School Committee;

“We are working with Grafton Community Television to broadcast this event to not only the Town of Grafton, but outside of our town as well,” he added. “We will communicate the specific details once they are finalized.”

Class of 2020 members indicated to Pignataro that they wanted three areas of focus for their graduation: to be together as a class, to have the closure they are longing for, and “it can be short it can be simple… but we want something.”

“We continue to work on creating a meaningful graduation event for the Class of 2020,” Pignataro said. “We continue to work with local organizations and town departments to develop a workable plan.”

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