
Grafton, get out and VOTE NOW!

Henry Brown accompanied his mother, Katie, to the polls and paused at the “selfie wall” to show his support for democracy. SUBMITTED PHOTO

Grafton voters: You have until 8 p.m. TODAY, Oct. 29, to get to the polls and cast a ballot in the special election for Select Board.

Your candidates are Lisa Rice and Donna Stock, who are vying to fill the remainder of former Select Board member Bruce Spinney’s term. Whoever wins the race gets to do it all over again in May.

“But I only vote in presidential elections,” you say. Too bad. The Select Board sets your property tax rate and makes major decisions that affect how the town is run. They are your representatives in town government.

“But it’s raining,” you whine. Yes, voter turnout is affected by the weather. But unless you’re the Wicked Witch of the West and are in danger of melting, you could just use an umbrella.

Precincts 1, 2, and 3 vote at Grafton Middle School. Precincts 4 and 5 are at Millbury Street Elementary School. Polls close at 8 p.m.

Need additional incentive? There’s a selfie wall so you can brag to all your friends that you, yes you, care about exercising your right to vote.