Don’t want to wait for September 6? Early voting is now open for state primary

Early voting for the September 6 State Primary Election is happening this week
State law allows registered voters to vote by absentee ballot if they are absent from town during normal polling hours, physically disabled preventing the voter from going to the polling place, unable to come to the polls due to a religious belief. Mail-In Voting Ballots do not require a reason and can be requested by any voter.
Voters must request their absentee ballot for the September 6 State Primary Election no later than 5 p.m. (appointments only made in advance after 1 p.m.) on Friday, September 2 . Mail-In Voting requests must be received by 5 p.m. on Monday, August 29.
Applications are available through the Town Clerk’s Office, Town of Grafton website at, or can be downloaded from the State’s website at