
Donna Stock wins Grafton Select Board seat

Donna Stock claimed the open seat on the Grafton Select Board in a special election Tuesday, grabbing 784 votes to Lisa Rice’s 686.

“I’m overwhelmed. Happy,” Stock said in a phone interview after the results were announced. “And I’m thrilled that in the first time in Grafton’s history, we have three women on the Select Board.”

A total of 1,474 voters came out on a misty, chilly October day to cast ballots in a race that was set on fast-forward from the very beginning. Former Select Board Chairman Bruce Spinney stepped down from the board back in September to pursue a marijuana host agreement for a retail store, leaving seven months unfinished on his term.

Both Stock, a former School Committee member, and Rice, a Finance Committee member, stepped forward to run in an election that focused on the town’s projected structural deficit, the town’s as-yet undecided marijuana licenses, and how the board should conduct itself going forward.

“I feel like the race opened some important dialogue in the town,” Stock said.

Rice, who informed — and congratulated — Stock of her win just minutes after votes were released, said she was happy the campaign focused on issues rather than personal attacks.

“I’m really proud of the people of Grafton who turned out today and voted in large numbers,” she said. “It was a close race.”

Official results will be posted Wednesday.