Police + Fire

Chief’s Column: How to respond during a police stop

I’ve had several inquiries as to what a driver should do when stopped by a police officer. To answer this question, I decided to reprint this column.

QUESTION: Do you have any advice for motorists as to what they should do when stopped by a police officer?

ANSWER: If you are stopped by the police while driving, you may feel confused, anxious or even angry. These are natural feelings, but remember, traffic stops can also be stressful and dangerous for the police officer. Each year, several law enforcement officers are killed or seriously injured while making the so called “routine” traffic stop. Police officers are especially vulnerable during the hours of darkness. Remember; be courteous and cooperative in any stop by the police. If you are courteous and cooperative, they will respond in kind.

There are many different reasons why you might be stopped by a police officer. Whatever the reason, the officer needs your cooperation.

  • The police may want to warn you about a potentially dangerous situation.
  • You may have committed a traffic violation.
  • Your vehicle may match the description of one used in a criminal act.
  • The officer might think you are in trouble and need help.
  • You may have witnessed a crime.

What to Do When Stopped by a Police Officer While Driving

You, as a law-abiding citizen, can do the following to help lessen the uneasiness of the experience:

  • When you see the blue overhead lights and/or hear the siren, remain calm, slow down and pull over to a safe location off the roadway if possible. Do stop so as to block an intersection or driveway.
  • If you are stopped at night, turn on your interior light after you pull over. The officer will visually scan the car’s interior before proceeding.
  • Do not exit your vehicle unless asked to do so. This is for safety reasons.
  • Keep your hands visible, preferably on the steering wheel so the officer can see them.
  • Inform the officer of any weapons in your vehicle and their location. Do not reach or point to the location.
  • Avoid any sudden movements, especially toward the floorboard, rear seat or passenger side of the vehicle.
  • Comply with the officer’s request to see your driver’s license, proof of insurance and vehicle registration. Massachusetts law requires you to carry these with you in your vehicle.
  • If your documents are out of reach, tell the officer where they are before you reach for them.
  • If there are passengers in your vehicle, encourage them to remain quiet and cooperate with instructions. You, as the operator, are solely responsible for your vehicle and its occupants.
  • Avoid becoming argumentative. Arguing will not change the officer’s mind. If you disagree with the violation, you will have an opportunity to address the matter in court.
  • Answer all questions truthfully.
  • The officer may issue you a ticket. If you feel the reason is vague or unclear, politely ask the officer for details.
  • If asked to sign a citation, do so. It is not an admission of guilt.
  • You have the right to politely deny a request by a police officer to search your car; however, if probable cause is present, the officer has the right to search your vehicle without your consent.

Understand that each situation is unique and the police officer must alter his or her response to fit the circumstance. Generally, a police officer

  • Will provide his/her name upon request.
  • Will inform a person of the reason for being stopped.
  • Will only arrest a person for a crime committed in the officer’s presence, or when the officer has probable cause to believe the person has already committed the crime.

QUESTIONS-COMPLIMENTS-COMPLAINTS? If you have a question about procedures or a complaint about your treatment, contact the Grafton Police Department at (508) 839-2858 and ask to speak with a supervisor.

Normand A. Crepeau, Jr.

Chief of Police