Average Grafton home will see $365 tax jump in FY2020
The town of Grafton is worth $2,720,712,791 in the most recent valuation, Principal Assessor Mary Oliver told the Select Board Tuesday night.
That’s a jump of more than $200 million over Fiscal Year 2019, one of the highest seen in the last decade. Oliver attributed this to an increase in building permits and new construction, with $1 million alone attributed to the new building added at the Grafton & Upton Railroad depot.
The Select Board agreed to a single tax rate, not differentiating between residential and commercial properties, which sets the tax rate at $16.50. That means a $6,919.90 bill for the average single family home, which in Grafton is a valuation of $419,315.
Your bill? An extra $365, or a 5.27 percent increase, Oliver said.
Town Moderator Ray Mead, who would speak on the Fire Department Staffing Study Committee’s finding later in the meeting, took the opportunity to suggest that town officials talk to legislators about revamping Proposition 2 1/2.
“It worked when it started out, but it does not work now,” Mead said.
“It’s going to create overrides in towns like Grafton, which raise taxes even higher.”