Police + Fire

Chief’s Column: Grafton police receive grant for ‘Click It or Ticket’

The Grafton Police Department received grant funding from the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) to increase seat belt enforcement patrols as part of the national Click It or Ticket campaign taking place May 1st through May 31st. Grafton Police will be joining the Massachusetts State Police and other local departments in this high-visibility enforcement effort designed to reduce motor vehicle deaths and injuries.

Reducing the number of people who are needlessly injured or killed in our community is our priority. These funds allow us to put more patrols in high crash locations and stress the importance of buckling up to motorists who are unbuckled.

For 2019, Massachusetts’ seat belt usage rate held steady at 81.6%, the same as in 2018, but it still lags well behind the national average of 90.7 percent, according to the state’s annual seat belt observation study.

From 2014 to 2018, there were 2,690 occupants (drivers and passengers) involved in a fatal crash. In those crashes, the restraint usage is known for 2,002 occupants: 1245 were belted and 757 unbelted. Over 75% of belted occupants survived the crash, while only 27% of unrestrained occupants survived.

The more people who buckle up, the fewer injuries and fatalities on our roads. Regardless of how short your trip is or how good a driver you are, seat belts are critical to your survival if you’re ever in a crash. It’s simple…when you get behind the wheel, make sure you and your passengers buckle up every time, on every trip.

The current Massachusetts Seat Belt Law requires all motor vehicle occupants to be properly restrained when riding in private or commercial vehicles, including vans and trucks. Any driver who is stopped by a law enforcement officer for a primary traffic violation and is not wearing a safety belt can be fined $30. In addition, not wearing a seat belt is a primary offense for children under 13 years old. If a child is not wearing a seat belt the driver can receive a citation. The Massachusetts Enhanced Child Passenger Safety Law requires children riding as passengers in motor vehicles to be in a federally-approved child passenger restraint that is properly fastened and secured until they are 8 years old or over 57 inches tall. Children older than 8 years or taller than 57 inches must wear seat belts.

As we get closer to the busy summer driving season, it is crucial that everyone buckles up. Our officers will ticket anyone who is not wearing their seat belt, including drivers that have neglected to properly buckle their children. Adults must remember that if they don’t buckle up then they can become unguided missiles during a crash and can severely injure other vehicle occupants, especially children.

Massachusetts has numerous inspection sites where parents and caregivers can have their child’s car seat checked for free to ensure it is properly installed. Visit www.mass.gov/service-details/find-a-car-seat-inspection-site-near-you for a map and listing of all inspection sites.

Normand A. Crepeau, Jr.

Chief of Police