
Reporter’s Notebook: Does the town not answer your questions on Facebook? Talk to the TA!

Town Administrator Evan Brassard has an important message for residents who complain that town officials don’t answer complaints on Facebook: you’re asking questions in the wrong place.

Brassard suggested residents with a question or a complaint could call his office at the Municipal Center, shoot him an email, or even post a question on the Town of Grafton Facebook page.

He’s even been known to pop into a thread or two on the All Things Grafton Facebook page — but as town administrator, he doesn’t always have time to wade through the usual questions about handymen, lost pets, brown water, and overused popcorn memes on the popular group.

“We’re perfectly open to answer the questions,” Brassard said. “You just have to reach out to us.”


The Select Board have agreed to take possession of the Polish National Home’s World War II memorial and place it down the road at Mill Villages Park.

The historic South Grafton meeting spot, built by Polish immigrants in 1935 at 7 Main Street, shut down in March 2020 due to COVID-19 and the Polish National Home Association is now planning to sell the property. It offered the memorial, dedicated to the 80 Polish-American citizens from Grafton who served in World War II, to the town last month, suggesting the park would be an ideal spot.

“The history of the Polish American Community of South Grafton, their integration with French Canadian co-workers in the Fisherville Mill which was located across the street, and the present day foot traffic within this park make it an ideal location in the eyes of the ‘Home,’” wrote Joe Kuras last month, speaking on behalf of the association.

The board asked Brassard to get in touch with the organization to discuss the arrangements for the monument and a potential ceremony.



The warrant for fall Town Meeting is officially open but, as has been the norm for the past year, there’s a snag and it’s called COVID-19.

Grafton’s last three Town Meetings were held outdoors, on the football field, on Saturdays, under the virus-related state of emergency issued by Gov. Charlie Baker. That state of emergency has since lapsed.

Brassard said he has a call in to the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office to see if the town can once again assemble on a Saturday, outdoors. An outdoor meeting under the football field lights, of course, would be taking place not only in colder weather, but also at a time when mosquitos — carriers of Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus — are active.

As of right now, Town Meeting is October 18, 7:30 p.m. in the Grafton High School auditorium.

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