
Letter: Thank you, Lions, for helping our Cubs

On behalf of Cub Scout Pack 106 we would like to share our immense gratitude to the Grafton Lions Club.  Like many groups in town, we’ve been struggling to find outdoor locations where we can safely meet.  The Lions Club has been the answer to our desires.  We have been able to use the facilities to safely meet outdoors to hold safer, socially distant, Den and Pack activities. 

Having use of the pavilion has given us peace of mind knowing that we won’t have last minute scrambling to find a new location if it rains.  Having use to the lights has been an added blessing for evening meetings as it starts to get dark earlier!  Our Scouts have also been able to use the walking trails to complete some of our adventures to observe animals, look at different trees, and to get exercise.  They have also been able to use the fields for learning to set up tents, play games, and enjoy fellowship in many ways.

The Lions support of the community is appreciated by all!

Chris Beecher
Cub Scout Pack 106