
Letter: Nault endorses Lisa Rice for Select Board

Dear Fellow Grafton residents:

As a lifelong resident of Grafton, I have had the privilege of serving on numerous boards and committees. Currently I serve as a member of the Capital Improvement Planning Committee (CIPC). I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with Lisa on numerous occasion while she served on the Finance Committee. On all occasions she has presented herself to be fair, open minded and determined to find compromised solutions.

Lisa is well known for her service to our town serving on the Finance Committee, her rational for making decisions are based on the core principals of managing the risk and tolerance of the residents in town.

She continuously asks the important and difficult questions:

· How can we reduce spending and how will it impact town services and residents?

· Will this benefit the entire town or simply a select group?

· What are the cost ramifications and is there a better solution?

· Are there any other outside funding sources, we as a town could leverage?

· How will our decision impact the town three, five, ten years down the road?

· This is our current process, how can we make it better?

Over the years, Lisa has gained my respect representing us the voters on the Finance Committee. Her insight into long term budgeting and fiscal responsibilities would certainly provide an enormous benefit to the Select Board, especially during the difficult financial forecast the town is currently facing moving into 2020 and beyond.

With the potential of another Proposition 2-1/2 override on the table, my vote is for Lisa Rice, she’s been involved, has a deep understanding of our current budget situation and will produce creative solutions alongside other Board members in an effort to avert another override.

Folks, we require true leadership to overcome the future hurdles our town will face, if we don’t make that decision wisely, it will financially impact ALL of us!

Lisa has proven time and again, she has the financial and professional acumen to serve our great town as a thought leader on our Select Board.

As we head to the polls on October 29, 2019, please join me and many other residents in voicing your support for Lisa Rice, as our next Select Board representative.

Best Regards,

Robert Nault