
Letter: ‘ Two incredible candidates who both possess unshakeable integrity’

I am more than happy to write this letter in support of Mat Often and Colleen Roy for Grafton Select Board. These are two incredible candidates who both possess unshakeable integrity, which is something we need in our elected officials during these times. I know that Mat and Colleen will always do the right thing for Grafton and I know they will always work their hardest. I know this because I’ve seen these traits on display time and time again in Finance Committee Meetings, Select Board Meetings, TriCom Meetings, and everywhere in between.

Both candidates bring unique strengths to the Select Board that will serve the residents of the town well. Colleen is absolutely committed and indefatigable in her search for the best, most creative solutions to our most complex challenges. She is always driving the conversation a layer deeper. Her passion for municipal government is truly admirable. With an override on the ballot, citizens want to know that every last option is being explored by their elected officials.  Colleen will never let us down in that regard. Our tax dollars will be well looked after and well spent.

Mat brings strong, thoughtful leadership and a focused attention to detail. These are traits we need on the board. Mat is a natural leader and has flourished as Chair of the Finance Committee. During his time in the position he has developed respected relationships with the Town Administrator, School Committee, and Select Board resulting in dearly needed collaboration to work through the budget challenges of FY21 and beyond. He knows municipal budgeting and long term planning better than anyone I know and I would rest easy with him on the Select Board. He’ll represent us well and make us proud of our Select Board.

Given the events of the past few months, it’s clear to me that it’s time for change on the Select Board. The current mix does not work well together. Colleen and Mat will bring us that much needed change.  They’ll bring fresh perspectives, collaborative attitudes, openness to outside opinion, and integrity in their decision-making.  Vote Roy and Vote Often for Select Board on June 23rd!

Eric Swenson