
Letter: Zujewskis support ‘steady leadership’ from Thomas, Stock

Uncertain times require steady leadership. For this reason, we are voting for Jennifer Thomas and Donna Stock for Select Board.  

Their leadership styles are similar: calm, open-minded, flexible, and focused.  Both are well-known and admired for their roll-up-your-sleeves hard work conducting the business of the town. They are both committed to doing what is best for the town in all matters – they carefully consider the effects on all citizens and businesses before rendering an opinion. You will not find them ranting or disparaging others on social media – they are busy with their committees, contracts and researching every aspect of the issues. Jen has the longest tenure of anyone on the current Board, and her expertise will be clutch moving forward as we navigate uncertain times for Grafton’s citizens and businesses alike. Donna’s many, many years of School Committee leadership will continue to be invaluable as the Board considers the needs of the school system going forward. 

In these unprecedented times, steady, calm, dependable leadership is a must. Please join us in voting for Jennifer Thomas and Donna Stock for Select Board on or before June 23.

Sue and Bill Zujewski

Send letters to the editor to jennifer@graftoncommon.com.

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