
Ask the Town Clerk: Your questions on elections, answered

Q:  Voting by mail is highly encouraged due to COVID-19.  How does this work?

A:  There are two methods of voting by mail during the COVID-19 situation; Absentee or Early voting.

  • Absentee Voting:  In order to be eligible to vote by absentee ballot in Massachusetts, normally a voter must be prevented from voting at their polling place on Election Day, due to:
       – Absence from the voter’s city or town on Election Day; or
       – Physical disability; or
       – Religious belief.

    However, due to COVID-19, Chapter 45 of the Acts of 2020 permits any person taking precautions related to COVID-10 in response to a declared State of Emergency shall also be eligible to request an absentee ballot. 
    Absentee ballot applications can be downloaded here.
  • Early Voting: Typically, early voting is not permitted for local elections.  However, Chapter 45 of the Acts of 2020 states: Notwithstanding section 25B of chapter 54 of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, any eligible voter may vote early by mail for any annual or special municipal or state election held on or before June 30, 2020. (b) Any qualified voter wanting to early vote by mail may file with their local election official an application for an early voting ballot. Local election officials shall send early voting by mail. (c) Local election officials may substitute absentee ballots for early voting ballots for those voters requesting to vote early by mail in municipal elections.  Early voting applications can be downloaded here.

There will be no early voting sites / voting locations for the Annual Election. 

If you cannot download either application, a hand-written or typed note with your signature can be sent to the Town Clerk.  You can mail it to 30 Providence Road, Grafton, MA 01519 to the attention of Town Clerk, or scan and email to   
Note: A photo of the request taken with your phone and emailed is also acceptable. 

Various forms of communicating your request is accepted for either the absentee or early voting ballot …. however, the request must be in writing and must be signed by the applicant. (no calls, voicemails, etc.)

Q:      What is the different between Absentee Voting and Early Voting?

A:      If one votes by absentee, and later changes their mind once the ballot has been returned, the voter may appear in person on Election Day to vote, as long as the absentee ballot has not yet been cast by the Election Staff. Early voting does not allow this option.  Once the early voting ballot has been returned, there are no other chances for the voter to change their mind. Accurate records are kept by the Town Clerks office on who requests absentee ballots and early voting ballots.

Q:    Is there a recommended time to allow ballots to be mailed back and forth?

A:    The “official” deadline to request a ballot by mail is Monday, June 22 – NOON TIME, and then ballots must be received no later than 8 PM Tuesday, June 23rd – Election Day. With COVID-19 restrictions, it is important to request your ballot as soon as possible if you plan to vote by mail.

Q:   When are Absentee Ballots counted?

A:      Except for ballots which are rejected as defective, all absentee ballots are cast and counted by the poll workers on Election Day. Absentee ballots are included in the final tallies and are counted whether or not an election contains a close race.

Q:   What is the last day to register to vote for the new date of June 23rd?

A:     Friday, June 12th from 2-4 pm and 7-8 pm.  This is for anyone new to town, or you have never registered to vote before.

Q:    Does MA have online voter registration?

A:    Yes, one can register on line at, as long as you have a signature on file with the Registry of Motor Vehicles, which could be a MA driver’s license or a State ID card.

Q:      Can 16- and 17-year old register to vote?

A:    Yes, but it is only a pre-registration.  By law, you cannot vote until age 18.  If one is turning 18 after the last day of voter registration but before the election, is it highly recommended you pre-register.  This will allow you to vote on Election Day.  This can be done online at, or down load a voter registration form here and mail to 30 Providence Road, Grafton, MA, Attn Town Clerk’s office or scan and email to

Additional questions regarding the upcoming Annual Election scheduled for Tuesday, June 23rd should be sent to the Town Clerk, at

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