
If you shopped at the Worcester Walmart recently, you may have been exposed to COVID-19

Grafton’s confirmed COVID-19 cases rose to 50 Wednesday as the pandemic continues to take its toll.

In Worcester, the Walmart on Tobias Boulevard, just off Route 122, was ordered closed due to 23 positive COVID-19 tests among employees, the bulk of which happened in the last seven days.

“The Walmart is now closed, and will not be allowed to re-open until it’s professionally cleaned by a company that has the proper equipment and protocols to clean it consistent with what is necessary for a facility that’s been exposed to individuals with COVID,” City Manager Ed Augustus said in a press conference Wednesday.

All 400 employees there will need to be tested again before the store is allowed to re-open.

There are now 60,265 confirmed cases in the state and 3,405 deaths, according to the Department of Public Health. Nationwide, there are 1,005,147 cases and 57,505 reported by the Centers for Disease Control.

Wednesday’s release of town-by-town data shows coronavirus cases in the region surrounding Grafton:

  • Millbury 144
  • Northbridge 117
  • Shrewsbury 183
  • Sutton 25
  • Westborough 209
  • Worcester 2,284