
Grafton BVT students score high in SkillsUSA

Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School (BVT) students competed among the most talented vocational-technical students in the Commonwealth at the annual SkillsUSA District V Competition at Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School in Charlton on March 11th.

BVT earns a new trade benchmark with 184 medals over the last two years. Remarkable results for the skilled students who showcased their technical mastery, and proudly brought home a combined total of 184 trade medals, 69 gold, 57 silver, and 58 bronze medals in the first stage of the SkillsUSA competition series. This year, there were 41 perfect scores, 34 on their OSHA test, five on their employability test, and two on their trade test.

It is an honor for students who have worked hard to compete among the most skilled vocational-technical students in the annual SkillsUSA competitions, which showcases the best regional, state, and national champions in every trade conceivable. “It is rewarding to see that mastery on full display. With a mission of preparing our students on their respective journeys, as knowledgeable, well-trained young adults armed with technical skills, ready to succeed in the world of work, our students are right on target,” said Superintendent-Director Dr. Michael F. Fitzpatrick. “These impressive results are one of the many attributes that bring 800-900 ninth grade, in-district applicants, to BVT annually.” 

Following their remarkable district-level performance, the students who medal would move on to the Massachusetts State Leadership and Skills Conference in April to compete for advancement to the National Leadership and Skills Conference in June. Unfortunately, the COVD-19 health crisis that we are currently facing has affected all aspects of our lives, and consequently, SkillsUSA, resulting in the cancellation of both the State and National Leadership and Skills Conferences.

“Benefitting from some 500 business advisors, our students have a built-in advantage versus traditional instructional learning. Many students will choose to acquire additional expertise obtained with postgraduate credentials, often with BVT and/or industry-sponsored scholarships. As our society addresses the consequences of COVID-19, the skills gained via competition preparation are particularly valuable,” said Dr. Michael F. Fitzpatrick. “We look forward to the time when we can once again compete on the stage that is SkillsUSA.”

The following Grafton students, earned gold, silver, and bronze medals at the SkillsUSA Massachusetts District V Leadership Conference. Also listed are students who earned perfect scores in their trade testing.

Perfect Score (OSHA Test): Stephen Bayreuther, Baraka Consuegra, and Jacob Lazo

Silver: Jacob Lazo, Telecommunications Cabling; Daniel McDonald, Computer Programming; and Daniel Nault, Internetworking

Bronze: Andrew Corbett, Urban Search & Rescue; and Catherine Rozanas, Technical Drafting